Activation Question

  1. Patient Activation Questionnaire
  2. Activation Questions
  3. Activation Questions
BarryMunda16 декабря 2020 12:30

Activation Questions. My organization has many Billed Entity Numbers. Which one should I use? You should use the Billed Entity Number (or BEN) that has been assigned as the main or primary Billed Entity Number for your organization. In the case of many school districts, this is the BEN that is associated with the name of the school district. I purchased TT quite a few hours ago and still have not received the code. It was over the 8. is the emai I used.

2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or numberBy admin 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 0 Comments2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number
2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number
Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license?
IMPORTANT: If you are looking for the File Installation Key for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine, see 'How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?' for complete instructions. Entering a File Installation Key into a MATLAB installer downloaded directly from the MathWorks website will not enable you to install MATLAB on an offline machine.
License administrators can obtain the Activation Key and File Installation Keys through through the 'Advanced Options' button in the license center. To retrieve your Activation Key and File Installation Key, follow the steps below:

Что ответить на вопрос вам нужно войти на сайт или зарегистрироваться





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1. Application activation (launch)

1.1 What is activation and what is it required for?

1.2 How can I run (activate) an application that requires activation?

- With access to the Internet on your computer.

Activation questions

- With access to the Internet on another computer.

- Without the Internet connection.

1.3 What is a Serial Number? I cannot find a Serial Number.

1.4 What is a Hardware Code? I cannot find a Hardware Code.

1.5 What is an Activation Key? I cannot find an Activation Key.

1.6 I lost an Activation Key, what can I do?

1.7 How can I run a protected application if I have modified the configuration of my computer after the application activation?

1.8 What is the periodic license confirmation for?

2. Protection driver

2.1 Do applications that require activation via the Internet use the protection driver?

3. Deactivation

3.1 What is the Deactivation and how does it work?

4. General questions

4.1 Does the protection of applications that require activation via the Internet prevent the operation of any other programs installed on a users computer?

4.2 Does the protection of such applications collect any information about the user or the users computer without notification?

4.3 Does the protection send any information about the user or the users computer to the Internet without his/her knowledge?

4.4 Protection scheme used for my application does not support Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista or Windows 7. What can I do?

5. I cannot find an answer to my question

1. Application activation (launch)

1.1 What is activation and what is it required for?

Activation is a process of obtaining an Activation Key that allows running a protected application on a computer of an end user performing activation.

1.2 How can I run (activate) an application that requires activation?

The sole requirement for the activation of a protected software product is the presence of a (unique) Serial Number that a publisher supplies to each purchaser along with the product or separately from the product. The Serial Number is used to activate the protected application and is entered to a special field when running the application for the first time.

Patient Activation Questionnaire

There are several ways to activate an application.

With access to the Internet on your (home) computer.

  • The application is activated automatically after a Serial Number is entered. Such activation process is invisible to user and is considered the most convenient and preferable.

    Attention! According to a publishers choice, additional information can be requested to activate the product (e.g. to fill the registration form).

    Enter your Serial Number and press Next. The activation is performed automatically.

  • By email

    In this case you should contact the publishers support service by email (an email address is indicated in the application window) and send information necessary to activate the application (a Serial Number and a Hardware Code). Following this you will be sent an Activation Key you should enter to the corresponding field in the application window.

    Enter your Serial Number and press «other».

    Go to the E-mail tab. Send your Serial Number and Hardware Code to the indicated email address.

With access to the Internet on another computer.

  • Activation on another computer.

    This method is suitable for users who cannot run a protected application on his/her own computer because it is impossible to connect to the Internet, but can do that using another computer connected to the Internet (for example, at work or in a cybercafe).

    Enter your Serial Number and press «other».

    Go to the Website tab. Write down the activation website address and find a computer with the Internet connection.

    After entering the Serial Number and the Hardware Code on the website, you will obtain an Activation Key; write it down.

    When at home again, run the application once more, enter the Serial Number and press I already have an Activation Key.

    Enter the Activation Key to the corresponding field and press Next.

Without the Internet connection.

  • By phone or by fax

    Enter your Serial Number and press «other».

    Go to the Phone tab. Call the product technical support at the indicated number, and submit your Serial Number and Hardware Code.

    Technical support engineer will submit you your Activation Key.

  • By SMS

    In this case you should send your Serial Number and Hardware Code from your cellular phone to the indicated number.

    Enter your Serial Number and press «other».

    Send an SMS to the number indicated in the window:

    You will obtain an Activation Key in response message.

1.3 What is a Serial Number? I cannot find a Serial Number.

It is a unique code applied to activate a product. At least one Serial Number defining the product license parameters is supplied along with each copy of a licensed product that requires activation.

Activation questions to customer

1.4 What is a Hardware Code? I cannot find a Hardware Code.

It is a code that contains computer parameters and is used to activate and deactivate an application manually.

A Hardware Code is displayed (automatically) in the activation window after a Serial Number is entered.

1.5 What is an Activation Key? I cannot find an Activation Key.

An Activation Key allows running a protected application only on the computer of an end user performing activation.

An Activation Key is obtained depending on how you activate the application:

  • On the website (

  • if you activate the application on this website (after entering a Serial Number and a Hardware Code)

  • By phone or by fax if there is no Internet connection on your computer

  • By email if you activate the application by email (you indicate a Serial Number and a Hardware Code in your message)

  • by SMS

1.6 I have lost an Activation Key, what can I do?

If you lose an activation key, you can retrieve it on the website using the same Serial Number and the Hardware Code. If the Hardware Code is also lost , you can obtain it from the parameters of Serial Number from

1.7 How can I run a protected application if I have modified the configuration of my computer after the application activation?

StarForce has developed the Deactivation technology for that (License Transfer technology). You can deactivate the protected application, modify the configuration of your computer, and reactivate the application then, without contacting a publishers support service*.

The number of deactivations and reactivations is defined by the product publisher during the application protection.

For details on Deactivation, see the corresponding section

* The Deactivation technology operates starting with version 4.07.000.

1.8 What is the periodic license confirmation for?

Periodic license confirmation allows the protected product contact with the server for comparison and/or update the license parameters.

The feature is necessary in two cases:

  1. To block access to the protected product. The publisher can add the serial number of unscrupulous user to the blacklist in case of violation of the conditions of use of the license.
  2. To change license parameters. The publisher can change the license parameters for the protected product in the personal account, which will be updated on the user device after the next automatic license confirmation.

2. Protection driver

2.1 Do the applications that require activation via the Internet use the protection driver?

No! Since such applications require no optical media in the drive and do not check the uniqueness of such media, they require no protection against optical drive emulators, and therefore, do not use special protection driver designed to work with optical media.

However, according to a publishers choice, some applications can employ the protected container technology; the driver is used in this case.

3. Deactivation

3.1 What is the Deactivation and how does it work?

If you are going to change your computer hardware or reinstall the operating system, it is probable that the activated application does not run after that. To solve the problem, our experts have developed the Deactivation technology. In this case it is not necessary for you to contact the publisher of the protected application.

Activation Questions

This process implies the transfer of the protected application to another hardware computer configuration, while saving the product license and the license parameters (unspent number of runs, the remaining license lifetime, etc.). The license transfer is performed by the application deactivation on a current hardware configuration and its reactivation on another configuration.

You obtain a Deactivation Code during the application deactivation; it is necessary to enter this code to the activation window to reactivate the application on this or another computer.

Deactivation process step by step instruction is available here.

4. General questions

Activation Questions

4.1 Does protection of applications that require activation via the Internet prevent operation of any other programs installed on a users computer?

Activation QuestionActivation questions adapt


4.2 Does the protection of such applications collect any information about the user or the users computer without notification?

No! Collection of data on users computer configuration can only be initiated by the user him- or herself, if there is a need to solve some technical problem. Such information is sent to the protected product technical support.

4.3 Does the protection send any information about the user or the users computer to the Internet without his/her knowledge?


4.4 Protection scheme used for my application does not support Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista or Windows 7. What can I do?

See this section of optical disc manual.

5. I cannot find an answer to my question!

Attention! If you encountered problems when running a protected application, and you need help from technical support, please contact us at